Make a sweet difference and let honey bees move into your business or garden. It is a contribution to increased pollination that strengthens our ecosystems and contributes to increased biological diversity. Over 30% of our food has needed pollinating insects to come into existence. The beehive can also be in one of our apiaries if you want.
If you want to keep the hive in one of our apiaries, no external beehive is needed. If the hive is to be in a place where there is a risk of theft or vandalism, there must be an external beehive outside the hive. Contact us if you have any questions or if you have special requests.
We take care of everything with the bees, give lectures about bees and pollination and give study visits to the beehive. We lend protective clothing.
Honey labels are designed according to your wishes and logo. Honey delivery takes place in July-August.
Please contact us for more information.
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